Sunday, November 23, 2008

Peacemakers Vs Peacekeepers

Hello! i am going to batam for ocip like from the 25 to 28 nov! rmb to pray for my safety k?
so i won't be blogging during this time...hahaha=)
Today, pastor ronald preach on the verse matthew chap 5 verse 9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." so, i am going to help you define what is the difference between peacemakers and peacekeepers!

At first i thought they are both like the same!
Many people in this world are usually peacekeepers...
At home, some people just keep quiet whenever the family members scream and scold...
Some people just get out of the way, trying to keep peace and not anger the other person any further...
Some people will just pretend nothing has happened just because they are afraid of conflicts happening...
Lastly, some will ignore..
These people are peacekeepers...they may have alot of hatred and anger in their hearts but they just do not want to say it out...just bottling them..

Peacemakers must have peace you agree?
If they have peace, then they can bring about peace to others right?
Peacemakers must have righteousness...
Peacemakers must love God and understand God's defined peace...
There are a total of 3 characteristic to show whether you are a peacemaker or just a peacekeeper!
1) Know peace inwardly.
This is saying that we have to make peace with God first. eg. when you sin, you ask God to forgive you and make peace with him...and it must be an everyday thing!
2) To bring peace spiritually.
This means to CONSTANTLY try to make peace and to bring people to make peace with God!
And the only way to help them make peace with God so that they can gain the God defined peace, is by evengelising...
So! are you going to be one?
3)Pursue peace socially.
This means that we shouldn't purposely do things that cause conflicts and to RESOLVE to conflicts! not to run away from it.
Will you today, go up to the person that you are hurt by and you just hide the matter but still rmb, to go up to the person and say "although i was hurt by you, but i forgive you."

This verse helped me when i had a conflict with someone not so long ago..and it taught me to forgive that person and to show love...
matthew chap 18 verse 22 to 35! it is like super i will is about this King and a slave owed the King 10 000 talents. But the slave do not have the money...the King wanted to sell him and his family for repayment...the slave fell down to the ground and pleaded to more patience with him and he will repay...the King felt compassion and released him + forgiving his debt.
When the slave went out, he found out that one of his fellow slave owed him 100 denarii. He grabbed him and began to choke him and demanded his money to be paid back. The slave asked for patience too! But he was unwilling and threw him in prison.
His fellow slaves saw this and felt sad...they reported to the King all that had happened...
The King was super angry! He summoned him and said, "You wicked slave, i forgave you all the debt because you pleaded with me. Should you not do the same?"
The King sent him to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed.
In the same way, God will do the same if you do not forgive your brother or sister with your heart.

We have the rights to tell those which are doing wrong, especially our brothers and sisters in christ that what they are doing is wrong...
You may ask, won't this create conflicts?
When you tell someone the truth nicely and with love, they will either get more agitated or accept what you say...
But it doesn't matter...not everyone will be able to accept the truth! and truth doesn't really sound very good to some...
But! as long you bring peace and truth, you are a peacemaker..and peacemakers are? sons of God!
what do i mean when i say that?
It means that God takes pride in us! and thats all that matters!
of course when the person don't accept what you say, then don't go on and purposely agitate the just have the right to let the person know...

So! as long as you have peace in your heart, help others make peace with God and make peace with others, you ARE a PEACEMAKER! and God is proud of you!
Pray to the Lord for strength and courage to do so too!!

God loves you!!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

not bad.. keep it up nico