Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is the bible true?

The main reason why ppl nowadays do not want to believe in God and become a Christian is because they think that the bible is just another story book...or it is just because they do not see Jesus...
Ppl usually believe in the things that they see instead of the things that cannot be seen by their eyes physically..
Today, i would like to touch on the bible...
Is it true?

While i was looking up on the website that Kenneth send to me about catholics and protestants, i chanced upon a website when i was searching for the differences in a christian and catholic bible...
I can tell you it is a really cool website! you all should go and check it out and read everything!
But i would just like to point out some interesting facts that i myself don't even know!

The bible is written by many and these people are those that do not even know each other!
These people are also those that are from different times and different places..
Many scholars date the writing of the Gospels between 30 to 60 years after Jesus' death.
In the new testament, there are four books "Matthew, mark, Luke, john" these are the ppl who wrote biographies regarding Jesus of Nazareth and similar facts about his life.
Although they do not really cover all of the same info, the four gospels tell essentially the same story...(go look at the table of Matthew Mark Luke John from the website for their similarities shown in the bible verses)-i took one hour to try to put it up here but failed=(

Matthew and John are men who knew Jesus personally and travelled with him for over 3 years. While Mark and Luke are close associates of the apostles. Therefore, they have direct access to the facts they were recording...(they couldn't have wrote it together because they wrote it many years after Jesus died and rose again...)

Each of the 4 gospel writers made a very detailed account. There is variation in style but agreement in facts...They couldn't have made it up cause the gospels gave specific geographical names and cultural details that have been confirmed by historians and archaeologists..Jesus recorded words leave out many topics the early church would have liked a statement on shows that the biographers were honest and not putting words into Jesus' mouth for their own advantage...

I have a friend called Kai Yuan...

He asked me how do you know that what the bible says is true after all the translations they have from like many countries? Some meaning may have been lost!

Translations are made directly from Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic source texts based on thousands of ancient manuscripts...

Even though there are several manuscripts like over 24000, these copies agree with one another 99.5% of the time!

As for the 0.05%, it is of little maybe because the spelling vary or words be transposed(change order), it doesn't affect the meaning...

Some may ask, if you transpose (change the order of the words) ain't you changing the meaning of the word already? Lets just say "Dog bites man" or "man bites Dog" it makes a huge difference in the English terms...

However, in Greek, one word functions as the subject of the sentence regardless of where it stands in the amazing right?

As for archaeology, it cannot be used to prove God's written word to us, but, it can be used to see how accurate the Bible can be!

Sometimes historians do not even know that certain places or ppl the Gospel of John tells of Jesus healing a cripple next to the Pool of Bethesda and having 5 porticoes(walkways) leading to the pool...the scholars did not even think that the pool existed until archaeologists found it forty feet below the ground, complete with 5 porticoes!

The Bible has tremendous amount of historical detail, so not everything that is being mentioned, is being found. However, not one evidence that is being found contradicts with the Bible's records.

In the books of Acts, written by Luke, it names 32 countries, 94 cities and 9 islands without an error!

Some may claim that the Bible is full of contradictions. However, this isn't true!

The contradictions are so super small and little! They do not touch on any major event or artical of faith. eg. in Matthew :" This is Jesus, the King of Jews." in Mark :" The king of the Jews." in John :" Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews." the wording is different...have apparent contradiction...however, they all mean the same!

Oh! there is another one...the bible said in matthew chap 12 verse 40 "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth". In Mark chap 10 verse 34 " They will mock Him and spit on Him, and scourge Him and kill Him, and three days later He will rise again."

It is being said that Jesus will remain in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights...then how come he died on fri but rose on sun? where got 3 days 3 nights?!

It was a Jewish figure of speech in Jesus' time to count any part of the day or night as a full day and night. So it is friday, saturday and sunday! still not convinced? Lets just say a person were to say " i spent all day shopping," It doesn't mean that the person spend 24 hours shopping right?

The Bible consists of facts, historians concur, archaeology concurs, four Gospel biographers in agreement, remarkable accuracy in translations and the preservation of document copies is also very remarkable! The Bible is not a is the people stating the facts one by one as God ask them to write..

Christianity is not about having blind faith. It is faith based on facts and reality...

Since the Bible is proven to be true, why wait? Believe in God!

God loves you more than you can ever expect!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Thank God he has such a WONDERFUL daughter like you. Pray that thru your blog many will be inspired and saved. Continue to shine for God. He will not shortchange you^^
God Bless You.