Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nick Vujicic (guy without arms and legs)

Hello everyone!
Yesterday evening i went down to the heart of God church at paya labar!
For what?
Just to see Nick Vujicic! Cause he is so handsome! (no la jk) is because he is going to preach and previously i saw his videos on youtube during childrens church 3. I tell you, he is good!
Today, i would like to tell you whatever i can rmb from the sermon yesterday!

"A life without limbs, to a life without limits" This is what he always says.
The pamplet that i cope says "The only fear in life is that i forgot how God has led me in the past."
Nick Vujicic for all those who dunno him, is a person without arms and legs..there is no medical reason for it.
He is currently 25 years of age and is currently very successful in life.
He has a double degree is dunno what accountancy thing and is also a motivational speaker.
He has made more than 1600 appearances in 12 nations, inspiring tens of thousands to live to the fullest despite the odds.
Who knows that such a successful person will think about suicide at the age of 8 just to end his pain for himself and his family.

Firstly, you have to be contented. Not to focus on what you don't have, but on what you do have. Just like Nick Vujicic, he asks God to give him arms and legs! he even have a pair of shoes at home just in case! hahaha=) However, he tells God that if he don't get any arms and legs, its ok! i shall be contented with what i have and use what i currently have.

In hebrews chap 11 verse 1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
Also in hebrews chap 10 verse 39 "But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul."
We christians do not believe because we see God. We believe because of faith. (not by sight, but by faith)
God being present within us is not a particular feeling. Even if we do not feel God, it doesn't mean that he is not within us. We must have faith. It is the key to keep us close to God.

Turn to matthew chap 12 verse 22 to 31 (Jesus walks on water) "immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side, while He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; when it was evening, He was there alone. But the boat was already a long distance from the land, battered by the waves; for the wind was contary. And fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "Its a ghost!" And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid. Peter said to him, "Lord, if it is You, commond me to come to you on the water." And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord save me!" Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and took hold of him, and said to him "You of little faith who did you doubt?"

The boat is battered very hard and hit by the waves. Even if the waves are small, no one would just step out of the boat because they would feel that the boat is so much safer then the outside...morever, they might sink if they step onto the water.
This is like just asking anyone to step out of a moving car!
Peter had great FAITH to take a step out of the boat into the water when Jesus said " Come!"
He placed his trust in the Lord even though he do not know what will happen next.
Just like Nick Vujicic, he had faith.
And once you have faith, you can do the supernatural, things beyond your capabilities, things that you have never imagined you could do or have (eg. peace)
Just like Peter having faith is able to walk on water.
Just like Nick, having faith is able to touch the lives of tens of thousands of ppl today!
How can anyone see how successful Nick can be when he was just a little boy?
Who can see what bright future he can have without arms ans legs?
It is only by faith that God made the impossible, possible!

My God, is a God that focuses and takes good care of what is within.
What is the point when one is beautiful on the outside but is broken within?
Many ppl today have a broken heart filled with hatred, pain and suffering. They are just concealing it and hiding it just as well as anyone of us.
Many have a disability. Physically or even internally.
Things like addiction, fear, weakness, loneliness and many others.
But i want you to know that if you are disable, and you place a GO in front of DISABLE, you will get GODISABLE which is GOD IS ABLE!
I want to tell you that if you are disabled in your life, God is able. And no matter how much God wants to help you and shower blessings and gifts on you, you have to recieve it!
If you do not recieve, you will not get it even if it is offered freely to you!

No matter what you do in your life on the earth, it is never too good.
Have you ever experienced times whereby you think you did quite well in your exams and you are quite pleased...then you were hoping to be praised by your parents..but what you get is them saying that you can do better, maybe this exam is an easy one..
Or times whereby you want to feel wanted, belonged or times whereby you feel that you are not beautiful enough, not perfect enough..
I want tell you that no matter how hard you try in this world, you will never find them.
You can only find them in God.

God provides love for us unconditionally. God loves you just the way you are! And what i mean is your sinful nature, you looks, your thoughts everything of you!
God makes each one of us unique and different. No one is the same! Don't you think it is amazing as to the fact that there are billions of ppl in this world and no one is the same as you?
For the girls, you all are princesses and the guys, you all are princes.
Every girl wants to be a princess. To feel special and important.
Why princes and princesses? Because your father God is the king!
There is no need for any girl to find a boyfriend just to feel loved. You are already loved right from the beginning by God. He loved you so so much! Are you willing to recieve it?

What ever hurt or pain that you are feeling right now or even in the past, God wants to use it to save another soul.
Just like Nick Vujicic. Who knows that his disability can be used to bless so many others and save so many souls?
He says to God "If there is one soul that you want me to save, any one soul, here i am Lord!"
Are you willing to be used by him?

The God that we are all serving is a God that defeats all demons, darkness and all sins.
Because Jesus Christ did not sin even though he came down to the earth.
You know and i know that it is impossible to not sin at all on the earth. And because of sin, lets just say you lie once, we are worlds apart from God who do not sin at all and is perfect and holy!
We deserve to die! We deserve eternal seperation!
But God gave us an opportunity and a way because of his unconditional love.

There is a song that Nick mentioned, one of the sentence says this "tears is a language that God understands"
It is ok to cry!
It is ok to cry for help!
It is ok to seek for forgiveness!
Because none of us is perfect and all of us has weakness..
But if we are willing to break free of all the chains that are holding us down and hand them all over to God, everything will be in the Lord.
Isaiah chap 40 verse 31 "Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."

God loves us unconditionally even when we do not deserve it.
Because of this, we must also love others even if they do not deserve it.


God love you alot! (more than you can ever imagine!)


Nathanael Lim said...

hey nicole! ytd's svc was great and great that u blog what he preached abt having faith in God. that without faith it is impossible to please God. Continue to rock on and be a blessing! =)


Anonymous said...

NICOLE!! I dropped by to say that I LOVE YOU! Continue to shine for God! Love your blog toooo!!