Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I was just helping my sister to search for something online when i chanced upon a website...
There was a video that i found it was quite interesting...

There was a sermon...
And the sermon was on self-centeredness!
He say that whenever something goes terribly wrong, we blame it on Satan...
Satan is like our enemy and we place all the blame on him...
we may think that Satan is our greatest enemy. The enemy of all mankind...
However, what we do not realize is that our greatest enemy is not Satan. It is our self-centeredness!
God sent Jesus down to die on the cross for us to free us from the self-centredness present within us...
To not focus on ourselves but to focus on the world and the people around us...

As you see several natural or man-made disasters happening around the world...
earthquake, tsunami, floods, riots, terrorists..etc..and many lives are being lost just like that...thousands and millions lives are gone so quickly, entering into hell...
When is the last time that you feel sad and prayed for them...when is the last time that you moan and fast for this matter...when is the last time you sat down with your family and pray?

There was this website that may answer some of your questions about religion and christianity..i think it is real cool!
so you all should go and check it out! yeah!

God Bless you!

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