Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yoga and Taichi

This is something that i learnt from Elsa when i joined the saltshakers for cell!!

Anws, these are things that not many people know..even christians fall into it..
Do you know that Yoga and Taichi has got to do with some spiritual thing?
Have you ever heard a phrase from Yoga? "mind body and spirit"?
Yoga as many think is just an exercise that keeps you calm and is just like any other stretching exercise!

However, Yoga is being created to open up the spiritual realm...whereby you are opening your body to invite other spirits to come in..
There are some stretches and teachings from Yoga that opens up the door to spirits..
Lets just say for example that particular action that you do, it just unlocks the door..
So, it is better not to do it...

It is the same for taichi!
There was one experience that Elsa's family experience on one trip!
It was a trip to China and they had to stay with a family and the mother of that particular family learn taichi and is very into it..

Anws, there was one night from 12am to 1am..
While Elsa's mum was reading the bible and praying, she heard Dogs barking really loudly from like downstairs!
Then, she just went to sleep..
The next morn, she asked Elsa's bro, her son whether he heard the dogs barking!
He said no, he heard the women downstairs burping really loudly!
Then her mum ask the woman, is there like Dogs outside barking yesterday?
The woman say yes..

After they got back from China, Elsa's mum found on the internet some tachi thingy..
It says that taichi has got to do with some inviting the animal spirits into one's body...
And the most vulnarable period of the body is from 12am to 1am!
Isn't it scary?
The devil is using all these things to trick us...trick the ignorant to do it...
What i heard was taichi can heal ppl by inviting the spirits and stuff..
So do not be tricked by it!
Pls learn to discern the truth from the lies that the devil creates to trick ppl into hell...
God is the truth!

Here is the website for the taichi thingy...go take a look!^^

God loves you!

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