Wednesday, March 24, 2010

FAITH a gift? a hope?

Hello!! oh! i just signed up for some seminor at some church, i think it is called st john methodist..etc.
Anws, the speaker is Pastor Benny Ho.
Today was the very first session and i am greatly enriched in the fundamental knowledge of the Bible.
I learnt alot from it and i want to share something that i rmb was debated quite a few times between church ppl.
It is the Topic on, "Is faith a gift from God? So does that mean God chooses who he gives faith to?", "is Faith=Hope?"
Christianity surrounds the topic of faith and i think it is very interesting to know about what he has got to say about this.

There are basically 2 kinds of Faith, "worldly faith"-seeing is believing and "Blibical faith"-believing is seeing.
There are alot of verses in the Bible about faith.
some of them are, john 11:10, 2corinthians 5:17, Heb 11:6, Heb2:3, Rom 14:23, Romans 5:1-2.

Why is Faith so important?
In Ephesians 2:8 it mentions that we are saved by grace through faith.
What it means here is that we access the grace given by God by exercising our faith.

What is not faith?
1)Faith is not HOPE
Backed up by verses Heb 11:1 and 1Corinthians 13:13

The difference between FAITH and HOPE is that HOPE exists in the future while FAITH is now!
What do i mean?
The reason why the 2nd coming of Christ is called the "blesses hope" is because it is a hope for the future that has not yet come.
Faith on the other hand is saying, "i am saved now because i have the faith."

Benny Ho continues saying,
HOPE says, "God is going to do something for me."
FAITH says, "God has done it. God is doing it. God will do it."

The word "hope" is a steady expectation of good whereby it is confirm going to be fulfilled. (totally different from a "wish")

Also, Hope lies in the head while faith lies in the heart (1 Thes 5:8)
Hope-mental attitude of expectancy
Faith-attitude of the heart
Believing with your heart does not mean you deny the facts from the brain.
This is proven by Romans 4:18-21, the Abraham story. Abraham recognises the facts and believe with his heart.
Some of the Christians only have Head-faith which is basically an intellectual acceptance of God without the heart.

I read things like people from somewhere around the world, the practice of their church is that whenever someone is sick, the person is not allowed to take medication, only to pray and pray, hoping that God will heal the person.
If the person dies, they believe that it is because their family or the people around them do not have enough faith.
However, Benny Ho mentions that FAITH IS NOT A PRESUMPTION
Faith is acting according to what God says (God's will) but
Presumption is acting according to what we want (self will).
Faith is a response to God's initiative (totally dependant on God) but
presumption is taking on our own (dependant on our own interpretation).
Faith, God carries the promises through
presumption, we carry it and try to make it come true on our own
When we are desperate, it is always easy to fall into presumption.
Don't make promises on God's behalf!
Do not claim that God has spoken when He has not. (Deuteronomy 18:20,22)
Don't go beyond what the word of the Lord has said and act according to what you may think is the best in the situation. (1Sam 13:8-14)
It can lead to disastrous consequences.

What then is faith?
Faith is a GIFT to us by God (Heb 12:2), his son and the holy spirit(Romans 12:3)
There is no need for us to work out the faith because it is already inside you. (John 5:2-9)
Everyone has enough faith to last you for one lifetime!
What we need is just to exercise our faith in God for ourselves.
Anyone can pray for themselves because each of us got a measure of Faith.

Just like in matthew 17:20 about faith as small as a musterd seed can move mountains indicating that God is not looking for how much faith you have. It is not the quantity but the quality!

To end of, this is something that pastor benny Ho mentioned.
"You don't need to have great Faith but you just need to have Faith in a great God."

hope you all learnt something from this! because i did.

God bless you!

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