Friday, July 23, 2010

True love?

Hey hey! I went to watch the free movie, "bounty hunter" on the mon at the cathay's 75th anniversary and there is like free popcorn and drink!
Anws, there is this sentence that caught my attention in the movie.

One of the old couple who owned the honey moon place told the divorse couple who ended up at their honey moon place once again, they remembered them even after a few years with many other couples spending their honey moons in that place.
The divorsed couple were very suprised that they actually rmbed them and the old couple said, " we rmbed you because you two were the sweetest and most in loved couple we have ever seen. One thing that we have ever learnt from you two is that you taught us that true love is when both parties are willing to love and accept even the flaws and imperfections that both have, thats what will keep the relationship going."

I guess these words touched me, and i really think that true love should be this way.
Be it in any kind of relationship, friends or family members, it is when we all are able to accept and love the person despite their flaws can we say that we love the person.

I know of one person that loves me despite my imperfections and flaws and the best thing is that the person is perfect and there is no reason for him to tolerate my sins because he is not like me in any way because the contrast is just too big, cannot even be measured.
That person is Jesus.
This my friend, is true love.

Have a great day!
God loves people who are dirty^^Don't you think its beautiful?

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