Sunday, July 11, 2010


I was talking to Kun Jie the other day, and he shared with me something that i thought was rather interesting and i thought maybe i should share it with anyone who is reading this.

We were talking about alot of things, from saying grace to how to listen to God to cells and RLs..etc.
One of the things he said was, alot of people can say and pray, "Oh God, people touch me and speak to me, mould me to be more like you and let me experience you." like everytime, or maybe every sun during service or while singing the worship songs..but many do not do anything about it.

Alot of times we only give lip service to God but we never POSITION ourselves to let God use us.
The word here is POSITION.
To help people to visualise, lets just say your friend was supposed to meet you and was calling you from behind you can choose to turn behind and get a clearer view and hear your friend more clearly, or you can choose to walk further away, facing away from your friend.
Even though this may sound very childish but this is the point i am trying to make.
Your friend is God and many of times, we fail to put ourselves in places where God can use us and we can experience God's power.

Some may say, "oh, but God is everywhere what, not only in church or cells i also can experience God anywhere i go."
I would say, "Yes true."
But i believe in every relationship it is two way.
You got to put in effort and God will too.
And it is only in church whereby you can find people who will pray for is a place where people who wants to invite God's presence to be there, it is a place of fellowship.
All these are so unlike what you can find from the world.
By coming to church, one is positioning themself to want to meet and experience God together with others. where testimonies are shared and people edify each other.

Along with just coming to church which not really of much effort and sacrifice, there is also a need to serve if one is serious about experiencing God.
Serving helps us to position ourselves to meet God.
Through serving, i believe firstly, God is pleased that you are willing to sacrifice your time and effort to sow the seeds.
Secondly, there will be obstacles and struggles or even brokeness, causing God to aveil and work through you.
Thirdly, it is for the kingdom of God! Why wouldn't God work through those who are willing to serve him for the sake of his children right?
But of course one must do it with a willing heart. If you do it unwillingly, then you are not even letting yourself to be used by God but to do things for the sake of doing things.

For those who are not serving (which includes myself), why not try stepping into the will of God and see how God can show himself to you?
For those who are serving, lets do it because you want to experience God and do it with a willing heart ya!

Joey's blog once said, "we plant the seeds, not pluck the fruits."

If you really want to experience God today, stop living in self pity and discouragement, but to stand up and fight for what you want! don't sit there and do nothing!

God loves you.

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