Saturday, June 27, 2009


Have you watched transformers 2, the movie?
I thought that it was not a bad show and i asked like quite a few ppl!
some said it was worth watching, some said it was boring, some said it was too long...etc..
But there was something that the male lead said and i got really inspired^^

You know the ending part whereby the guy went to the location of his brain signals at the pyramid there...
Then rite, he saw the key amongst all the robots?
The key to save optimus prime?
He found hope and when he took it, it turned into dust because it had been there for such a long long time..
The people who followed him there, they all said it was over and gave up..
But he collected the dust in his socks.
The rest asked him what he was doing and why he had to do collect these dust cause it is like of no use anymore..
He said, "because i believe." "there must be a reason for us coming here, there must be a reason for everything that had happened!"

After he said that, i was reminded of one particular friend..
She said that she do not believe in prayers because i tried to pray for her in her times of despair and she told me it doesn't work at all..
i was kinda shocked..because i thought like in times of helplessness and despair, these are times whereby ppl turn towards God.
She is like those ppl that followed the guy in transformers to the place..they lost hope.

But i believe that everything begins with one word. "BELIEVE"
just like the transformer guy.
It is because he first believed that he saved the entire world from the bad robots..

I believe it is the same regarding our faith in God..
It really all begins with a believe that brings us closer..
it all begins with a believe that miracles can actually occur..
it all begins with a believe that prayer works thats why we pray..
it all begins with a believe that God exist in the first place^^
And i am sure the ending for us will be much better than the transformer's ending.

So think about what you really believe in today!
And hold strong to this believe.
Because only when you believe, the unbelievable can happen.

God loves you


Nathanael Lim said...

wah spoiler... i haven't watch transformers yet haha... but yea the Christian walk is all about living a life of faith, by faith and with faith! =)

Eternal Sanctuary said...

LOL the transformer guy...he is called Sam xD AHAH